Our goal is to foster research and innovation in the digital realm and spearhead a multi-campus cooperative effort to engage faculty, postdoc and graduate fellows in collaborative research.
We aim to accomplish our goals by working toward the following objectives specific to digital innovation:
- driving collaboration across the five campuses for joint impact and
- accelerating research, mentorship and learning.
To achieve its objectives, the Initiative is investing in three primary mechanisms:
- funding individual research and fellowship awards at various levels to pursue both targeted and exploratory research in key research focus areas (see current funding opportunities)
- accelerating collaboration through multicampus projects in each of the Initiative domains and
- building community by creating opportunities for researchers to network and share knowledge.
Making an Impact: 2023 Annual Report

UC Noyce Initiative researchers achieved tremendous accomplishments during the 2023 calendar year, including 88 new publications and more than $16.7 million in additional funding. Learn more about how the team of UC Noyce Initiative researchers — which includes 71 principal investigators, 93 students in research and 24 postdoctoral scholars — are working to address society's most pressing challenges through digital innovation. Use the link below to view the full report.