Jonathon Schofield, Ph.D. works to improve user acceptance and promote the seamless integration of humans and assistive medical devices, leveraging techniques in bio-robotic control and feedback, sensory-motor neural interfaces, and cognitive-perceptual neurosciences. The Schofield lab performs interdisciplinary research at the interface of mechanical and electrical engineering, neurosciences and rehabilitation medicine to address unmet clinical needs and understand how humans engage with intelligent technologies such as robotic prostheses and powered exoskeleton orthoses, among many others.
UC Noyce Initiative project
In his UC Noyce Initiative project, "Transforming the Accessibility of Bionic Prosthetic Limbs by Leveraging Modern Computational Approaches and the Emerging Standard of Amputation Surgery," Schofield aims to reduce barriers to and improve the capabilities of bionic prostheses using machine learning and leveraging surgical advances.